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Baldwin, J. M.: Development and Evolution, New York, 1902 [ETH-BIB R 1980/590]

"... that it is the function of the mind to do its own determining, to think its own apt thoughts, to discover the relations which are true, to bring to the manifold of sense and imagination its own forms, schemata, arrangements of parts, and so to construct its systems of knowledge by the rules of its own inventive power" (242). (italics, ot)

"... and so shall give rise to such a regular mental construction ..." (289). (italics, ot)


Nach EvG (Wege des Wissens, 70) hat Baldwin als erster die Begriffe Assimilation und Akkommodation systematisch verwendet, auch wenn die Begriffe älter sind.

Nach EvG (Wege des Wissens, 174) hat Baldwin den Begriff der kognitiven Konstruktion eingeführt.