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01.03.2004 bild 1st version under the title: System theory
First text parts
14.0 1.2005 bild 2nd version under the title: Constructive Systems Theory
Structure in 3 chapters: Systems, Observer, Observer system
20.08.2005 bild 3rd version under the title: 2nd order systems theory
The structure in chapter 3 has been abolished, the term "constructive" has been dropped
2. 11.2005 bild Systems theory of the 2nd order - that has been recalculated - actually refers to the theory of N. Luhmann, which is quite different from what we read here. It would be good if this ambiguity could be resolved. At the moment I can't see how that could be possible. I think the term systems theory is a homonym that stands for different things. For example, N. Luhmann speaks of "social" systems, which implies that there are other systems. It is still unclear to me whether he distinguishes social systems from the rest of the world, or whether he distinguishes social systems from mental systems. Here we are talking about systems in general.
Perhaps I will come back to this.
Currently, I interpret what are called functional systems as action contexts, but this is subject to terminological limits, because N. Luhmann has no actions at the centre, and here the action is only interpreted.
02.03.2006 bild I have slightly revised the structure and the content of the introductory chapter. General order now is again closer to three aspects mentioned at front page, as I assigned phenomenon and explanation to observer.
19.05.2006 bild I have separated the "observer observing" from the observer system so that I can unfold the observer system quasi technologically. This has shifted the structure a little bit again. With the consensual area I introduced another layer, which refers to the beginning with the phenomena. I can thus introduce the postulate of logical accounting: two separate ways of speaking for everything.

bild I left the site for a very long time - on the one hand because I couldn't continue the lecture at the university, al R. Hirsig retired and on the other hand because other topics occupied me more:
The dialogue (book)
Money (book)
then I wrote on the blogs for a while
Dialogue (from 2010) and
Counter-energy (from 1.6.2013)
Writting language (from 13.2.2015, theory part 2017)
17. 12.2019 bild I have decided to reduce the social networks and to take out my texts again. The money book is still very unfinished. But I started with this crash course, which I remembered as more complete. I see now that there are several variants next to each other - and that I think a little bit differently after such a long time.

The idea to see what DeppL does was a quasi external reason to translate the text on the net.

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